Monday, February 27, 2012

The Key!

So I don't know if you remember, but if you look back a few posts ago, you will see that Susannah's marriage to Thomas Hughes documents who her father is. Do you remember yet?? YES! It is Timothy Tonks!

Looking back to the Susannah Tonks census search, I found that no other Susannah Tonks had a father named Timothy. Do you know what this means?! We have evidence that the same Susannah Tonks who married Thomas Hughes, also married Aaron Hill!

Since I haven't been able to find a marriage document that proves this connection, this evidence is as good as any. While not all our questions are answered, we have concrete evidence about who the parents of Susannah Tonks are.

Now that we have this confirmed, we have a brand new question to answer.... What happened to Thomas Hughes? I have come up with three semi-logical conclusions:
He died,
Susannah left him, or
Aaron Hill married a different Susannah (which we have already ruled out)

Tune in next week to see what I find out!

1 comment:

  1. I love it when things fit together. You celebrate the good news and then you move on to solve the next problem. It's so much fun. Good luck with the next find.
